Teams & Charities

Flat Fast 5k logo, sponsored by Westfield Bank

Race Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025 – 1:00PM

Create a Team and Raise Money for Your Favorite Charity

Build a team of 25+ members:  Your team name and charity will be printed on the back of the official race shirt (T-Shirt Deadline 04/24/24).  Presence at the Fitness Expo.  We will donate $5.00 from each of your team members registration fee to your team charity.

To start a team select the create a team option when you register for the race.  The first person to register will be the team captain.  We will contact the captain with more info.

Charity Team Awards

1st Place (team with most members) – we will donate an additional $1000.00 to your team charity
2nd Place (team with the 2nd most members) – we will donate an additional $500.00 to your team charity

Teams and Charities 2024

WG+E / Whip City Fiber - St. Vincent de Paul Society

CrossFit Swarm - Westfield Soup Kitchen

Steel Vault CrossFit - Westfield Animal Shelter

City Hotel - Rob Ollari Scholarship

Team Elks #1481 - Westfield - West Springfield Elks Lodge #1481 Charities

Westfield Bank - Behavioral Health Network’s Kamp for Kids

Run4Jesus - Crosslight Church Missionary Ministries

ECOTA Church of Atonement - The Episcopal Church of Atonement

Run for Ty - Tyrese Lee Memorial Scholarship

Team Westfield State University - The Westfield State Foundation

Team Awards – In the case of a first place tie, the total prize of $1,500.00 will be divided by the number of tied first place teams, no second place prize will be awarded.  In the case of a second place tie, the $500 will be divided by the number of tied second place teams.

Fitness Expo logo
Friday May 16, 2025
3:00pm - 7:00pm

Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall
127 Holyoke Road
Westfield Ma 01085

5Kool Down Fest logo
Saturday May 17, 2025
11:00am - 5:00pm

Elm Street Plaza (next to the Finish Line)
Elm St.
Westfield, MA

Sponsors & Official Race Support Provided By: